Possibilités de bénévolat en Colombie-Britannique
Postings as of July 2024
ManKind Project British Columbia (MKP BC) is a non-profit volunteer-run organization that supports a network of peer-facilitated men’s groups and leads personal growth leadership training events.
MKP BC Centre Director
The Centre Director oversees MKP BC’s events, long term vision and planning. Mentorship is provided.
The ideal Centre Director volunteer is a New Warrior Training Adventure graduate, active in his own personal growth work, and looking to expand his leadership skills and collaborate with an engaged team focused on community development.
MKP BC Board Chair
The Board Chair coordinates, manages, and chairs one monthly board meeting and one yearly Annual General Meeting including developing an Agenda, inviting participants, assigning minute-taking, and facilitating decision-making. Effectively-run board meetings result in men around the province receiving support and training that lead to better outcomes in their lives, homes, and community. Mentorship is provided.
The ideal Board Chair volunteer is a New Warrior Training Adventure graduate who is willing to learn and excel in Robert's Rules of Order, values collaborative decision-making, is organized and an effective communicator.
The Treasurer is responsible for overseeing our provincial financial activities, budgeting, maintaining accurate financial records, bi-annual reporting to the MKP community, and ensuring compliance with financial regulations. This is a vital role that directly supports our mission of supporting, training, and helping men be better men. Mentorship provided.
The ideal Treasurer volunteer is a New Warrior Training Adventure graduate who is willing to learn and excel in financial management using state-of-the-art accounting, CRM, shopping cart and other software such as Quickbooks, has strong organizational skills and attention to detail, and some previous experience in finance or accounting. This is a volunteer position with flexible hours that requires attendance at one monthly Zoom board meeting and approximately 8-12 hours per month.
MKP BC Registrar
The MKP BC Registrar is responsible for managing event participant’s and staff data, confirming registrations, and supporting participants with forms, information, materials and general questions. The Registrar has a rewarding role as the first point of contact for new men signing up for life-altering training and is able to see them successfully through to graduation. Mentorship is provided.
The ideal MKP BC Registrar volunteer is a New Warrior Training Adventure graduate who is willing to learn and excel in basic data management using simple state-of-the-art online applications, communicating with and guiding training participants, and managing deadlines.
Brotherly Love Fund Committee Member
The Brotherly Love Fund assists Mankind Project BC members who are in need of food, housing, or other assistance. The Brotherly Love Fund Committee Member participates within a committee that confidentially reviews all grant applications and issues quick decisions and payouts. Mentorship is provided.
The ideal Brotherly Love Fund Committee Member volunteer is a New Warrior Training Adventure graduate who is willing to learn and excel in compassionate listening, collaborative decision-making, and follow-through. The Brotherly Love Fund Committee Member volunteer is instrumental in helping men who may be dealing with many significant challenges in their lives.
Communications Coordinator
The Communications Coordinator creates promotional and informational content for members and the public that is sent over channels like mass email, newsletters, chat, forums, Facebook, etc using cutting edge technology. The ideal Communications Coordinator volunteer is a New Warrior Training Adventure graduate who is active in his own personal growth work and looking to learn and expand their marketing communication skills and collaborate with an engaged team in a growing community organization.
Content Contributor
The Content Contributor creates promotional and informational content for members and the public that is sent over channels like mass email, chat, forums, Facebook, etc using cutting edge technology. Supported by the Communications Coordinator, the ideal Communications Coordinator volunteer is a New Warrior Training Adventure graduate who is active in his own personal growth work and looking to learn and expand their writing and media creation skills reflecting the events, programs, and members of a growing community organization.
BC Board Representative to MKP Canada
The BC Board Representative to MKP Canada connects MKP BC to the national board of directors at MKP Canada by attending two 90-minute online meetings and verbally sharing updates. This involves liaising on issues related to local members and those shared nationally. The holder of this role will enjoy being a part of large creative decisions that advance the organization locally, in Canada, and throughout the ManKind Project world. Mentorship is provided.
The ideal BC Board Representative to MKP Canada volunteer is a New Warrior Training Adventure graduate who is willing to learn and excel in listening, representing, collaborating, and communicating.
Financial Challenger
One of our core values is never turning men away over money if they are ready to move forward in their growth journey.
The Financial Challenger helps financially challenged training participants negotiate course tuition fee payment plans that enable men to attend MKP BC training when ready. Mentorship is provided.
The ideal Financial Challenger volunteer is a New Warrior Training Adventure graduate willing to learn and excel in listening, compassion, negotiating, creativity, and accountability. The Financial Challenger is instrumental in helping men dealing with many challenges move forward and create better lives for themselves, their families, and the community.
Trailer Coordinator [Filled!!]
A key component of our successful men’s training involves managing logistics via several utility trailers full of materials. The Trailer Coordinator manages the trailers’ storage, maintenance, transport, and inventory.
The ideal Trailer Coordinator volunteer is a New Warrior Training Adventure graduate who is willing to learn and excel in logistics management and liaising with various coordinators. Mentorship is provided.
How To Apply For Volunteer Opportunities
To apply for one or more volunteer opportunities, complete the form below. You'll be contacted shortly.
Thanks for your giveaway and inspired actions in the world!
Want to talk to someone about being part of our dynamic volunteer team? Reach out to Cory at 778-887-7446.